This is Jasper in a tee.
The Matrix . . .
One. Deciding
When you finally decide to keep a pet, it is just the beginning. There are many possibilities, you bought it, somebody gave it to you, it was a pet share, you adopted a stray animal, you became the new owner by default (it is your child’s pet suppose to be). My pets are my husband’s and you probably know how this sentence ends.
Two. Committing and Selecting
It is like having kids, once you have them, they become your responsibility. They can be your bundle of joy or thorns of sorrows, so to say, but they remain your children forever, if you know what I mean. So you better
decide with care before committing to owning a pet. Next is the selection process. What kind of pet do I take in? If it is a dog, like ours, what breed? What size? How many (oh pleassse). There are some important factors to consider. See my other post on this one.
Three. Giving a Name
Twin decision to the above is naming your pet. Spike, Cera, Ducky or Little Foot? Will you name it after a family member or your neighbor's? Shall you pick a name on a baby book or a calendar? Better pick a good one, for you will repeatedly be hearing that name, sweetly sometimes, or in a roar for other times, when the pet misbehaves. Giving your pet a name is synonymous to recognizing him, that is, giving him a life with you and your family.
Four. Answering Needs
You have to buy food, that's first and foremost, the food dish and water bottle included. Prepare his sleeping corner. If the kiddo will sleep outside the house, just check for protection from the rain, the sun and insects (and even dog nappers.) Think about where he will eliminate (toilet training), and where he can get his exercise, his training, even his playing activities and recreation. If your pet has a coat, then you must not forget about grooming. There are shops offering grooming services. The vet can do the nails and the ears, you can do the rest if you know how. By the way, provide for proper diet. Too much or too little food and water can be harmful, not to mention too much treats and toys as well. Don't be trapped with my mistake of giving too much. Good enough, I have learned to control myself. However, I must admit I still spoil them, and that makes my life more difficult, in terms of caring for the rascals.
Five. Keeping Supplies and Grooming Tools
On supplies, I can speak only for my dogs right now. Cats and other pets have different supply requirements. My dogs need bathing things like shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, including the containers and towels. It is handy to have supplies of alcohol, cotton, baby wipes, tissue, cotton swab sticks, ear cleaning solution. Optional things would be grooming chalk or powder or cornstarch, baby oil, waterless/rinse less type of shampoos, gel or spray net, a spray bottle with water, small doggie plastic bags for the poop.
For grooming, I keep combs (with and without handles), a slicker brush, a big hairbrush, a clipper, stripping knives, thinning scissors, a straight-edged barber scissors and other grooming sears, a battery-operated clipper, a nail cutter (one is battery-operated and another is a like a pair of big scissors) plus a nail file. I also provided for a grooming table, a heavy-duty blower, a hand held hair dryer and leash of all sorts. It's fun to buy silly dog clothes and accessories.
Six. Providing for Medications and Vaccines
Better that you ask your veterinarian on this one. For my doggies, the vet keeps records on a dog health book for all their vaccinations, and that could be a lot, including booster shots and the periodic shots. For medications, these again depends on your vet, he can prescribe vitamins and pet meds for the usual concerns such as, no appetite, skin irritations, coat issues, ticks and fleas, etc.
Seven. Having Fun
Let you and your pets have fun together. Expose the pets to human and other animals as well. Socializing, for my dogs, keep them a little more tamed, than when they are in their pens and crates. Yes, don't forget to get hold of crates for mobility. You can have your pets tag along with you during travels when you have pet crates available. There are pet-friendly venues like Serendra, Eastwood and Tiendesitas. You can even find air-conditioned restaurants and vacation houses willing to accommodate your little critters.
There are different languages of love you can select from to use for your pets. So choose wisely.
This is Jasper at 2 months (ears uncropped).
I used to look at (my dog) Smokey and think, 'If you were a little smarter, you could tell me what you were thinking,' and he'd look at me like he was saying, 'If you were a little smarter, I wouldn't have to. Fred Jungclaus
I have a great dog. She's half Lab, half pit bull. A good combination. Sure, she might bite off my leg, but she'll bring it back to me. Jimi Celeste.
Don't make the mistake of treating your dogs like humans, or they'll treat you like dogs. Martha Scott
When you leave them in the morning, they stick their nose in the door crack and stand there like a portrait until you turn the key eight hours later.Erma Bombeck
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