Saturday, March 20, 2010

Trying Out Dog Handling

We went to take part of what we call a "fun match" where we brought our dogs for a friendly competition. We knew most of the guys who brought their MS since most of them are members of the MS Club and we see each other in the different dog shows.

This dog show was exclusive for miniature schnauzers for it is a project of the MS Club. Above, in ablue shirt, is my hubby with our dog, lining-up with the competitors.

Hey that's me stocking my dog, second handler from the left please. I think I was perspiring in spite of the cool air.

Whew! I am treading on unknown grounds . . . dog handling. But why not give it a try for fun, of course my dog should help out and behave.

My hubby also participated. Good thing we have two schnauzers, so we have a dog each to handle. It was a unique experience, like having to perform on stage, with a dog as your partner (and a partner knows better what to do than you, heheh).

Exchanging Notes

So how's your pet dog doing?


It is good to do pet comparison with other owners, especially if you have observed something is kinda different with your dog lately or when you are encountering a specific problem, whether it be on food, on bathing, on behavior, concern on your pet's coat, skin, ears, nails, teeth, etc.

Keep mental notes, but always consult your vet as you make a significant move on any treatment you are to do with your pet. Especially for pet meds, do call your veterinarian first before you let your precious pet swallow that pill, please.

Different strokes for different folks, or shall we say different dogs. Still, it's good to hear what the other pet owners do. First-hand personal experience is valuable information, be it a
success or a failure. What doesn't work should also be taken in, so you would be able to avoid such.